Make an appointment in advance at the reception to the gynecologist by phone or book a ticket, informing the administrator or the Registrar that you are pregnant (sometimes, pregnant women take certain specialists or General queue).
Keep in mind that the doctor must obtain confirmation of your pregnancy. It can be a urine test for HCG, ultrasound or other examinations, after which the gynecologist will be able to give you a certificate that corresponds to the position of the future moms.
Don't leave the receipt of such information at the last moment, when you have to be nervous, to worry about the timing of readiness tests or recordings on ultrasound examination, and similar unpleasant moments, which are dependent on the timing of the receipt of your reference.
Remember the exact day of the beginning of the last menstrual period. After all, if the signs of pregnancy is so obvious to the doctor that he is ready to give you a certificate until the results of the analyses, it is necessary to set the approximate and the exact duration of pregnancy. To do this, and need orientation on the first day of the last before the onset of pregnancy menstruation.
Come to the doctor not only with money (private clinic), but also with the passport. And in regional female consultation take with you the policy of obligatory medical insurance.
Please note that when setting you on the account of pregnancy up to 12 weeks, by law you will still be entitled to cash payment for such early access to a doctor. This measure is the stimulation of the earlier treatment of women in medical institutions to prevent unwanted threats of interruptions of pregnancy and possible complications.
Check the issued to you the help necessary signatures (they are usually should be two: the attending physician and head of the consultation or the chief physician), stamp and printing companies, as well as the date of issuance of certificate. In the certificate must be specified period of your pregnancy.