You will need
  • - seedling
  • - shovel,
  • - soil,
  • - sand,
  • - water,
  • insecticide.
Find a suitable specimen in the forest. Note that pine is not a tree that you can easily dig up and safely to land in their area. On the wrong soil it will not survive. So, first of all, dig up a pine tree along with the piece of land, in which was developing its root system. If you release the roots from the soil, they will not live more than 15 minutes.
Choose a plant smaller young trees are easier to tolerate the transplant. Pine trees have a taproot, so not to injure it, first obamaite the wood around, then feel the soil, in order to detect the root. Make sure that you will not preroute it, calculate how deep you will run a shovel, digging pine, and proceed.
Plant a pine tree or in the spring (perfect time – April-may) or late summer – early autumn. Choose a well-lit place: pines love sun and in the shade grow slower and be not too high.
Put the bottom of the planting hole with a layer of gravel, crushed brick or sand. The depth of the pits shall not exceed one meter. The optimum thickness of the drainage layer with 10-15 cm. In the wild pines grow on sandy soil so when planting, mix the soil with sand in 1:1 ratio. Upon completion of the root collar should pop out of the ground 8-10 inches. Don't forget plenty of water your seedling!
If you don't want to look for a future sapling in the woods, or you do not have the opportunity, buy it in a specialty store. Choose a plant with well-preserved roots. Conscientious sellers have to sell pine with a ball of soil and roots wrapped in a damp cloth. Also it is possible to grow pine from seed, they give a lot of shoots, and plants are well accustomed, moreover, in favorable conditions, grow like weeds. Thing to protect seedlings from diseases such as "black legs". To prevent watering soil solution fitosporin.
Special care of a pine is not required, except regular watering. Abundant only need to be watered in the fall to have young plants are easier to winter. If you find pests such as the pine Sawfly, or aphids, treat branches karbofosom, hlorofosom or any other insecticide. In the fight against caterpillars effective as hand-picking. As a fertilizer for young seedlings can use nitrophoska.