In some cases, may involve weekend work

Labour law employees can be hired in weekends and non-working days (holidays) only if the employer's Express written consent. Thus, it can be done only in the case of any unforeseen circumstances or works which previously could not have been foreseen, and from the urgency of their implementation depends on the normal functioning of the company or its affiliates. These amendments were adopted in 2006, Their introduction is due to the fact that the employers often abuse their right to involvement in the weekend in advance and set unrealistic deadlines or exceed the targets, which many were obliged to go to work this weekend.

At weekends it is possible to perform works which could not be suspended for operational reasons, otherwise it would entail any negative consequences. Among them we can distinguish, for example, maintenance of the population, and also repair or loading operations.
The employee always has the right to refuse to return to work in days off, it cannot be considered a disciplinary offence.

It should be noted that the consent of the employee to work at weekends is not always required. In article 143 of the labour code stipulates a number of cases which are exceptional:

- prevention of disasters, accidents (fire, natural disasters, epidemics) and the implementation of works for the immediate elimination of their consequences;

- prevention of accidents;

- elimination of the reasons violations of the water, lighting, gas supply, transport, heating, sewage, communication;

- providing medical staff of emergency medical care.

In such situations, the employee is obliged to work weekends.

Features of work in the weekend

Not to say that work on the weekend - the phenomenon is clearly negative for the employee. After all, by law, be paid not less than double the amount. Either the worker can then take off any day. In the latter case, the output is charged at twice the normal rate, and the time off - not paid. Payment option the employee can determine for themselves. The employer cannot force the employee to take the day off and not exercise their right to monetary compensation.
Even if a weekend had to work only an hour or two, the employee still enjoy a day off, and the monetary compensation is due only for hours worked.

During the year the employer may involve the employee not more than 12 outputs. With the exception of particular cases provided for in article 143 of the labour code. And if the attraction at the weekend - is likely not the exception but the rule in the company and it is systematic, the employer is obliged to conclude an additional agreement to the labor contract and pay the employee a part-time job. Otherwise, the employer violates labor laws.

In case of violation of conditions of attraction to work on weekends, the employee may at any time seek protection of their rights in the labor Inspectorate or the Prosecutor's office.