Longan is an evergreen tree with dense, spreading crown. Longan for the first time appeared in China. Today, this subtropical plant can be found between the elevations. A tree moves South of freezing to -3 degrees. The taste of longan may be different. So, in Thailand it is more like grapes, and in Vietnam – berry cocktail.

Health benefits of longan

Longan fruit is very useful. It slows down the aging of body cells and beneficial effect on the skin. If you include this fruit in your daily diet, then after a while you will notice not only improve the skin but also the body as a whole.

In long an contains huge amount of vitamins and minerals: potassium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus and vitamins A, C and B. the composition of the fruit includes substances, well protect the liver from toxins and chemicals.

"Dragon's eye" is able to relieve fatigue, dizziness, and vertigo, to soothe, improve vision and memory. In addition, it normalizes sleep, relieves heat and temperature. It does not contain fats and proteins. The content of carbohydrates in 100 grams of fruit up to 14 grams, and calories – 60 cal.

Growing longan at home

Buy longan in Russia is difficult. He, like many other exotic fruits are rarely imported to domestic stores. But if you managed to get it, but don't throw away the seed of the longan, as it can be easy to grow tree.

Remove the bone from the pulp of the fruit and dry it on a napkin for one or two days. After that, wrap the plant material in cotton, slightly damp cloth, and place the workpiece on the pallet, which will need to cover with plastic wrap.

Longan, as a rule, grows only under the condition of constant humidity and high temperature, and therefore do not forget, after drying, spray the fabric with wrapped her in a bone from a spray. Through one-two weeks the seed will have to form a small spine.

Prepare a pot and fill it with loose fertile soil and a drainage layer, then drop it sprouted the seed to a depth equal to six inches. The spine must look down.

The first sprouts you will see after 14 days, and after a few weeks the sprout longan reach two to three centimeters. Further cultivation of longan is similar to care of such tropical plants from seeds, but it should be remembered that at first it grows very quickly, and then you will notice stop its growth. This happens when it reaches 15 inches in height, and then it grows much slower.