How to choose a ointment

Before you go to buy the ointment, be sure to consult with your doctor. Do not forget that many components of these ointments can adversely affect the health of the unborn child. Discard ointments, which include poisons and irritants – they can easily penetrate into the blood and get through the placenta, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. Buy ointment is only necessary at a specialized pharmacy.

Carefully read the composition of the selected ointment – it shall not contain substances that cause you allergies.

The so-called "massage ointment" that can occur in conventional cosmetic stores do not always have the necessary certification and the correct natural composition. You must also carefully check the expiration date of the selected product. The best solution for pregnant women is to buy ointment containing only natural ingredients - you should pay attention to such herbal remedies as "Astrolit" or "Malavit". As an emergency anesthetic for a sharp long lasting pain, you can use these time-tested tools like "Menovazin" and "Nurofen gel".

How to use ointment

Before you use the ointment, you must make sure that the tool will not cause allergic reactions. For this small amount of ointment is applied on the elbow. If within twenty-four hours on the skin and do not have any itching, redness or irritation, the ointment can be used without harm to health. To complement the therapeutic effect of ointments can foods rich in calcium, which helps to alleviate back pain by strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

Apply the ointment only on clean, not irritated skin without damage and open wounds, in order not to aggravate .

The tool must be thoroughly warm in hands and apply neat massaging movements, first along the spine, then across loins. After this you need to give the ointment a small amount of time in order that it can soak in and provide back comfort and warmth (you need to cover yourself with a blanket, also use bandage or shawl). After the procedure is necessary during the hour and a half to stay in complete peace. Best massage with warming and analgesic ointments done before bed, so that the body could rest and recover.