What is prostate stimulation

Treatments for prostate stimulation carried out at home or by a specialist urologist in the clinic. Massage has a number of advantages: improvement of potency, normalization of blood circulation, fast regeneration of tissues, increase oxygen supply. The disadvantages include the fact that men during stimulation feel uncomfortable, so he compromised emotional state.
Contraindications include: hemorrhoids, chronic prostatitis, fever, inflammation.

Massage at home

Can massage done at home, entrusting the job better than a reliable, close man. As a rule, in the role of such a person acts as a wife. For the procedure you will need: vaseline, latex gloves. 30 minutes to male massage you should drink 2-3 glass of water or juice. This is necessary in order to have a full bladder was pressing on hardware. In this position it is easier to find. Wash the genitals. Preferred to lean on his elbows and kneel. Vaseline is used for easy insertion of a finger. The first step is to find the gland, it resembles that of a nut. Smooth and easy massage movements to massage the prostate from the edges to the center. The right side is less sensitive, so you must first move smoothly on it and then on the left lobe. The essence of incentives is to massaging the prostate easy manipulation of the finger.
In the case of exacerbations of the disease, it is impossible to massage. The procedure should be postponed for 2-3 days.

Prostate stimulation is accompanied by the release of sperm. If the procedure is performed for the first time, ejaculation can occur several times. Women are afraid to stimulate your prostate, for fear to hurt their husbands. If during the procedure, avoid any painful sensations, so it was all right. Massage is not difficult. It did not require much effort, knowledge and lots of time. But what is the effect. Massage will help to cure prostatitis and enhance potency. Is recommended to use the massage as often men who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle.

Charging for muscles

In addition to massage, men must begin to develop the muscles of the hip joint. You can do the following exercises: knees to chest, lying on the back; raising the legs and crossing them. It is necessary to develop flexibility of the spine, to do the tilting, rotating pelvic thrusts, twists and backbends.