What is hypertension and its symptoms

Hypertension is a excess voltage of smooth muscle and causes high blood pressure. It should be noted that she may become ill as an adult and a child. When the disease requires mandatory treatment, since otherwise there comes memory loss, sleep disturbance, problems with the digestive tract.
In more severe cases, there comes a stroke and heart attack.

To seek medical care for a complete examination is necessary in a time when blood pressure exceeds 140/90. Folk remedies help to normalize the pressure, but to completely cure the disease can be maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the observance of a day regimen and rational physical exertion.

Tools to deal with hypertension

The most common means by which to cure high blood pressure, are sunflower seeds. The glass is washed and untreated seeds, place in a saucepan with 6 cups of cold water. Place the container on a slow fire and boil the mass for about 2 hours. The resulting broth should strain and during the day drink 1 glass. This treatment allows you to quickly normalize high blood pressure.

To restore arterial pressure using the following recipe: 1 tbsp of grated lemon, 1 tbsp cranberries, 1 teaspoon of crushed rosehips, 1 Cup of mild honey. Mix the components and to take it twice a day for 1 tbsp.
Rose hips should be fresh.

For the patient people offers another tool that helps forever to recover from hypertension. For the preparation of the first composition it is necessary to take 0.5 kg may honey, a bottle of vodka and heat the mixture to a milky film. After its appearance, remove the receptacle from the heat and leave to infuse. For the second part need to pour 1 tbsp. of herbal mixture (Valerian, knotweed, cudweed, Daisy, Valerian root) 1 liter of boiling water and let stand. Strained the broth to mix with the first team and put in a dark place for 2-3 days. The first 7 days of taking the product twice a day for 1 tsp, followed by 1 – S. T. L. If the tool is over, you have to take a week break and repeat the course of treatment. Typically, a year later, the pressure finally ceases to rise.

Various methods effective in the early stages of the disease, so hypertension 2 and 3 degrees need medical treatment. Specialist after examination of the patient appoints certain drugs and procedures, which comprehensively eliminates unpleasant ailment for good.