
Technical specifications (TU) is a document that establishes technical requirements for a product or group of specific goods, products, materials or substances. THAT should be specified procedures and actions by which you can check the technical requirements. THAT are developed by the decision of manufacturer of industrial products or at the request of its customers. For each commodity, product, material or substance specified code according to the OKP (all-Russian classifier of products).

The development of TU

Development of technical specifications starts at the moment when the manufacturer of a product decides to produce products not according to the national standard, and according to a special procedure. The need for development THAT occurs, including in the moment when there is no corresponding state standard. Technical conditions determine almost all stages of the production chain, which should occur in the whole process of industrial production.

Development and registration of technical conditions require contractor's expertise and skills. Development THAT occurs in accordance with GOST 2.114-95 unified system for design documentation) and GOST R 51740-2001 (General requirements for development and documentation).

The person who approves the specifications for the products, which is the owner and holder of the original TU. Signature of the owner THAT is in the upper right corner of the title sheet of the specifications. The owner of the technical specifications for products is a priori the sole right to introduce changes in technical specifications. The right to make changes THAT can be transferred by contract.

According to specifications perform product certification, the results of which get the certificate of conformity.

Why the need for THAT

In large measure, the technical specifications define the level of quality of the finished product or products at all stages of its life cycle (technical standards, specifics of production, description of the process of manufacture, methods of control, safety standards, environmental regulations, transportation, use, storage and quality assurance). The buyer and end user of industrial products, in the presence of the one may judge the level of quality and on the integrity of the manufacturer.

As a result, the manufacturer is responsible for compliance of the quality level of the finished goods stated. Because, as far as the technical specifications are comprehensive and informative, the success of industrial products on the market.