If you prevent to sleep at night with your construction/renovation, noisy, even on weekends, and early in the morning, know that you have a legitimate reason to complain, for the construction, maintenance and loading and unloading is prohibited at night.
According to the "Code of the city of Moscow about administrative offences", article 3.13, builders who produce their work in the period from 23:00 to 7:00, you risk a warning or an administrative fine. Thus, if you interfere with the sleep of ordinary citizens, they will pay 1-2 thousand rubles, officials – from 4 to 8 thousand, legal entities – from 40 to 80 thousand. In other cities this things about the same.
To complain in a few instances, for example with police and district Council. You can also complain to the state nature protection establishment "mosekomonitoring" (for residents of Moscow). Experts will arrive on the scene and at the expense of the city budget will make measurements of the noise level on the site. If there is exceeded the allowable rate, the workers will be punished.
Even better to complain collectively, referring to all instances where they can help the Prosecutor's office, city hall, CPS. If you will not help, go to court, previously gathered evidence. For example, you can take video at night from your window, plus to make the readings of the measurement of the noise carried out by the professionals at your request. The court is obliged to protect your rights, and if necessary, to suspend the construction of the enterprise for up to 90 days (article 3.12 Cao RF).
During this time the police, Council or other authorities will check whether the persons responsible for the construction, permission to conduct night operations. If permission is received, construction will immediately stop, and the organization conducting the construction, receive provisions or pay a penalty.
Although it happens that the company representatives safely show the residents a permit for night construction, in the belief that they not catch anything, but then you will be measurements of the background noise. Contact the appropriate organization and let the professionals do their job. According to the sanitary standards of maximum allowable noise level in residential and public buildings and on residential areas during the daytime (from 7 to 23) should not be above 55 dBA (equivalent to the sound of the typewriter) and at night (from 23 to 7) – 45 dBA (equivalent to a normal conversation). In case of violation of these rules, the responsible persons will also incur administrative punishment.