The period of rehabilitation after a stroke

The main cause of disability in stroke patients, is considered a violation of motor activity. It makes the process of self-service and dramatically changes the patient's life. Recovery of motor function after stroke is slow. In favorable cases, it starts in 5-15 days and lasts 2-5 months. Restoration of function of the lower limb is observed by the 4th week, the top - 12th, for 2-3 month there is a restoration of sensitivity within 1-12 weeks speech. Timely and properly-organized rehabilitation therapy allows the patient to achieve in the early stages of a significant improvement in physical activity. The patient will be able to get up and adapt to the self, in the future it can return a disabled (partially or completely). For this it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor appointments.
The intensive work with patients in the first six months after stroke it is possible to achieve more significant recovery of motor activity.

The patient should regularly do the exercises that are recommended by the doctor, this is not to avoid mental and physical fatigue. You should carefully monitor your blood pressure. It is necessary to take measures for its normalization, since low or high blood pressure simultaneously with circulatory disorders in the capillaries significantly increases the risk of recurrent stroke.

Diet in the period after a stroke

In the post-stroke period must be observed anticholesterol diet, the diet should include foods that increase the fluidity of blood and reducing blood clots. One or two times a week, you can consume boiled lean beef, chicken without skin, doctor's sausage, black bread made from wheat flour, egg whites, pasta from durum wheat, semolina, rice, cocoa, weak black tea.

During this period, it is recommended to eat boiled, steamed or baked vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, any cabbage), greens, berries and fruits, but not very sweet (apples, cranberries, apricots, cherries, figs). You can eat oats, buckwheat, beans, corn (canned), vegetable oil (olive, linseed, soybean, corn), Apple cider vinegar, yogurt, low fat yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts (except peanuts), green tea, herbal teas.
The patient will be useful to marine fish, red fish, soaked herring, mackerel, seaweed, shrimp.

There are food restrictions in the post-stroke period: the patient can not eat offal, fat meat, fat, dairy products high in fat, greasy sausages, mayonnaise. Contraindications include egg yolk, coffee, strong tea, alcoholic drinks, spicy, fried, salty foods.