The efficiency of milk and honey at high temperature

Honey is a unique bee product, has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. This is why honey is recommended to be taken in the treatment of viral diseases accompanied by increased body temperature. But it is important to remember that the temperature can be increased not only with colds, so before you begin treatment, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of changes in body temperature. In addition, honey is effective for laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and pharyngitis: taking this product of beekeeping, it is possible to recover more quickly.
The only contraindication is an Allergy to bee products.

As for milk, it contains many nutrients, particularly fat, calcium, vitamins, protein and other active elements. However, milk helps replenish potassium levels in the body, which is so important at infringement vodno-elektrolitnogo balance, caused by increased body temperature. And doctors recommend to drink milk with the flu and other viral infections and other reason. The fact is that, the aching, the person usually loses appetite. To replenish the body with vital elements that will help in strengthening the immune system and fighting viruses, it is recommended to drink milk.

How to take milk with honey in SARS

To prepare a cocktail of motrin, take a glass of boiled milk (milk temperature should be 37 o C - 40 o C, that is, it should not be hot), add 1 tsp of honey and mix thoroughly. Honey have completely dissolved in the milk. Cooked cocktail should drink at 1 time. To make this medicinal drink should be at least three times a day: morning, afternoon and before bed. Besides, you can drink this milk and honey cocktail in severe pain in the throat.
Warm milk with honey is an effective remedy for insomnia.

At elevated body temperature and sore throat recommended to take "oatmeal" milk. To prepare it, take a Cup of oats (oats should be unpeeled), washed thoroughly, pour a liter of milk and cook in aluminum containers on low heat for 60-70 minutes. After the cookware is removed from the heat, strain the broth. Cooked enriched broth 1 tsp natural honey and a small amount of butter. Drink this cocktail before bedtime, and, for the 1st time (we can't leave him, each time preparing a new batch).