Set yourself an important goal. Even if you are not too ambitious, let you have the motivation to move, not just to drift with the tide. Want an expensive car? Do not forgive the money from relatives, look for opportunities to make money, even if at first the idea seems naive.
Let all decisions you make in life will be only yours. If you are accustomed to ask advice from friends and focus on social stereotypes, constantly ask yourself the question: "What do I want, what I need is that I wonder?".
Develop their own attitude to everything – from a new fashion collection of the beloved fashion designer to the foreign policy of Russia. Feel free to comment on the issues in which are well versed, so will grow your self-confidence.
Help those who are weaker. For example, take care of animals, even Pets will be on your dependents. Sick dog? Before these problems are solved your relatives, and now you will find an experienced veterinarian and pay for treatment.
Enlist the support of loved ones. Let, from now on you are responsible for your life, and ask without extreme need it is not to intervene. Show hardness. Those who like you, will be glad of your independence.
Pass psychological training of personal growth. Perhaps you are shy and used to always play second fiddle. An experienced specialist will help to part with teenage complexes, will tell you how to realize the strong features of your character.
Being an adult does not mean to deny myself life's pleasures. The main thing – not to shift the responsibility for his life on someone else's shoulders. Take the initiative into their own hands, set attainable goals, don't be afraid of responsibility, and very soon nobody will be able to accuse you of immaturity.