If you have received secondary education in the ordinary school, you are eligible to enroll in virtually any University or College. In addition, for students with disabilities can be organized by a special entrance test. You also need to consider the availability of privileges - invalids I and II groups shall be credited to budget place out of the competition if they were able to get a passing grade.
However, it can be difficult, as not all universities have the opportunity to organize training for people with disabilities. For example, in many schools there are no ramps for wheelchair users. So before arrival it is best to know in advance how a particular educational environment of the University or College is adapted for the disabled.
Find out about the educational programs in specialized institutions or schools for people with disabilities. Also specialized groups for the disabled have in conventional universities, for example at the Moscow state technical University or the Novosibirsk state technical University. In a number of educational institutions, we can proceed after the special schools for the disabled. Most of these universities conduct their entrance test.
The downside of specialized educational institutions are often left with a limited choice of professions. For example, deaf and hard of hearing students are offered mainly specialty, associated with programming, design or painting. However, in universities that offer programs for people with disabilities and unique education. For example, an applicant with a disability can become an instructor in physical therapy or a social worker specializing in working with people with disabilities.
Think about distance education. This can be useful for students experiencing problems with mobility or visually impaired. However, be aware that distance learning may not be for all specialties. Besides to study in an individual basis can be more difficult than in the student group supervised by teachers.