Measures of support of large families, regulates the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated 5.05.1992, a lot of them, but to realize benefits, will receive a corresponding certificate. The procedure for issuing identity reglamentary legislative acts of local authorities
If you have the right to receive the document, contact the social security authorities at the place of residence. Check with your local power structures does your family belong to a large or not. The decree takes into account the cultural and demographic characteristics of each region of our country.
If you receive a positive response, start the preparation of the documents. Find or take a new photo 3*4 (2 PCs) a parent, who will be issued a certificate. Clear photocopies of birth certificates of all children. If you have children on guardianship/custody, prepare documents proving your authority.
Take a certificate about joint accommodation with children, or prepare the house book. Clear photocopy of certificate of marriage registration (with registration).
If you are not registered jointly with a spouse, you will have to take help from the social protection bodies at the place of residence of spouse. The certificate must contain information about the failure to issue him/her this certificate.
On the basis of issued certificates you can apply for a discount on utility services. Contact your local clinic for free medicines for children up to 6 years. Take their children to the city zoo, museums, other cultural institutions free of charge. Arrange documents for preferential enrolment of children, which entitles you to free travel on local transport ( except taxis). Contact the educational institution for obtaining free meals for your children, provide the received certificate.