Causes of papillomas

The virus is transmitted from person to person through intimate and household contacts, depending on the type of infection. Ill can both men and women of all social strata and age.

The disease penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, brewing there for a while, and then comes to the surface in the form of papillomas. Since that time, the person can infect others.
Despite the fact that carriers of the virus according to who are the millions of people, only a few of them build up, since a healthy immune system is able to control the situation and prevent the development of disease.

Places of appearance of the papillomas can become the face, hands, mouth cavity, pharynx, vocal cords, intimate areas, and many others. If the papilloma formed in the region of the cervix, it can become a favorable background for the development of cancer.

Symptoms of human papillomavirus

In most cases the disease is completely asymptomatic, on external signs it is impossible to determine. In this case, treatment assignment is not required, since the presence of the virus does not mean the disease.

If the immune system is weakened by other diseases or stressful situations, they begin to grow papilloma. This pinkish growths or flesh-colored from 0.3 to 1 cm in diameter. They do not hurt and do not itch, but may cause inconvenience by friction of clothing or other body parts.
The sensation of pain and burning sensation is possible only if the location of the warts on the genitals and perineum. Then there are unpleasant discharge and bleeding, pain during penetration and even touch.

Depending on the condition of the immune system, tumors can grow and disappear on their own without treatment.

The treatment of papillomas

In any case, no need to attempt to scratch, cut, burn or pull out a wart or papilloma, it will only cause you pain but will not cure the infection. It is better to seek help from a doctor or dermatologist, it will help to get rid of the existing growths and prevent their spread.
The occurrence of papillomas is often associated with other problems in the body such as gastritis, metabolic disorders, colitis, kidney disease or liver and many others.

Removal of papillomas produced with a laser, liquid nitrogen or radioscalpel. There are home methods: the juice of celandine, dandelion jelly, castor oil, ammonia. These liquids are rubbed into up to their complete disappearance.

The best means of prevention of recurrence of papillomas is to maintain the high level of his immunity and the absence of stressful situations. The restriction of contacts may not lead to the desired results, as it is often impossible on appearance to identify a person is sick or not, and you can become infected not only through sexual contact or touching, but in places like pool, beach, sauna, public toilet.