Most often from the effects of external factors and your carelessness suffers vision. He will pay full attention. Limit eye strain. How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? And you remember that every 40 minutes you need to take a break and gymnastics for eyes? By the way, last, and all should be performed daily. Find a set of exercises that you will be easier and more interesting to perform and do it daily. Every 40 minutes do at least 5-minute breaks. Look out the window, do the workout, walk around the room. The most simple exercise for tired eyes – just often blink for one minute.
Try to limit the time in front of the screen. No matter whether we are talking about a computer monitor, TV or your mobile. If you had to work at the computer, give up the TV in the evening. It is better to read – of course, it is also easy on the eyes, but not hurting as much as the TV. By the way, how do you usually read? Provide when reading well lit. Try not to read while traveling, especially on highways. With the rapid movement of the book in your hands is moving, which greatly increases the load on vision. And the familiar childhood rule – do not bend over too low over a book or notebook. If you notice that your eyesight deteriorates – run to the optometrist. Do not be afraid of points. The sooner you notice the problem, the more chance to resolve it. Besides, you are an adult and will decide whether you should wear glasses.
The chances of the deaf in modern humans is also high. Protect your ears and your hearing. Refrain from habits loud music in headphones. If you like listening to loud music, try to do it in columns – of course, not at "cutting" ears volume. When you are in a noisy environment do not include the headphones louder to drown out the noise and hear the words of the song – so you increase the load on the hearing. Are not too long in a noisy place. If no go, use earplugs.Why the volume is so harmful to the hearing? In one study, had an interesting analogy with voloskovye cells in the inner ear. Imagine field. The breeze – faint sound – only slightly touches the tops of the ears. But the stronger the wind, the lower to the ground bend the ears. And very sudden gust of wind may break the stalks. On the same principle of working your ears.
On the preservation of the sense of smell we remember often. But how do you like the prospect of losing the ability of the sensesacce taste? The sense of smell is disturbed due to the common cold, flu and other diseases in the nasal cavity. So always treat a runny nose. Do not think that it is minor, harmless the disease.To protect yourself from loss of smell, eliminate all the harmful factors. If you have allergies, contact with allergen. Try not to catch a cold and time to treat a runny nose.