Find courses on calligraphy. The lack of free time or money, of course, will prevent you to take seriously their handwriting. But if it is possible – even with a few restrictions, don't find excuses. Thanks to a course in calligraphy you will write not just beautiful and surprisingly gently, your handwriting can give an example. A few months of training worth it. Don't be lazy, if in your city there are such courses – sign up for them.
Go back to the basics. Do you still remember how all the letters are written? If the first class is for you irretrievably lost, buy prescription. Nothing stupid and pointless in this: who said that a neat writing letters are required only for children? Look at the example letters and, as in school, print line after line. One letter, of course. When you master it, move on to the next. Special attention is paid to compounds of letters.
Take your time. Remember how hard you were writing words in the first grade? Now you need to do something similar. The handwriting is on offer in the writings, you may not really like. But better to imitate him – he is the most clear and simple. Master all the letters (really high quality writing all of them), all kinds of connections, write a few simple words and sentences in the recipe.
Find the style you like. Samples of writing letters can find on the same sites, calligraphy courses – they are there exhibited as examples. See what you like best. Consider, would you be able to cope with such a writing letters. Try and emulate. Write a whole alphabet in that style of writing that you like. You might want to add some elements to the letters, to simplify something.
Engage every day. And always try. Even regular exercise will not work if the short need to write the text by hand, you again quickly nachiketa something unintelligible.