Learn to resize patterns

The length change at anterior and rear halves of the pattern correction in three lines, marked perpendicular to the grain lines. On the first lines, which are at 15 cm below the waist lengthening make 1 cm For the second set of lines that are in the middle between the level of seat height and knee extend 2 cm In the third lines that are in between the height of the knee and lower shear elongation do 2 cm
Also, if the person is different from the growth indicated on the pattern, it is possible to calculate the change in length in the following example. For example, you change the length of the pants the pattern on the growth of 160 cm height 174 cm

First, find the difference between growth and growth patterns, in this case it will be 14 cm find the magnitude of the ratio (14:8 =1.75). Extend the pattern to 1.75 on the first lines of 3.5 (1.75*2) for the second set of lines and 3.5 on the third lines. The very lengthening of the spend so. Apply the three adjustment lines on the front and rear halves of the pants and cut the pattern along these lines. Spread of the pattern at the cutting lines at the desired lengthening distance and mount them on strips of paper.
Increase the width of the product
Increase the width of the pants on the bottom. For example, the width of the pants at the bottom have any model 40 cm, and you need 45 cm, so the difference is 5 cm Increase front and rear halves by the same amount (in this case 2.5 cm on each half). The amount of extension, divide in half, add the lack of width uniformly, stepper and lateral slices (in this example 1.25 cm). Change the width of the pants at knee level expect by analogy with the change of the width of the pants on the bottom. Gradually remove the line expanding from the knee level to the level of the seat height.