In order to configure your newly created Facebook group, go to the tab "Manage group" located to the right of the page, right under the group icon. Adjust the name of the group - remember that it should not be too long, otherwise it just will not display in the group header completely.
Select the address of the page. Make it easily memorable and associated with the name of the group so you can verbally explain to anyone how to join the Facebook and Twitter pages.
Select the topic and sub-topic corresponding to the content of your group. Place a link to the website if you have one. Set wall, photos, videos, audio, documents, discussions, applications and materials.
Select the type of group. This is a very important parameter, therefore, pay special attention to it. If the group is designed to "spin" anything or anyone, be sure to make it open, because your task - to make so that in your community to engage more users. Be sure to enable comments and discussions, so members will be able to participate in her life and leave feedback. If the group is intended for communication and exchange of information between the members of a private team, make it private or private. Before proceeding to the other tabs click "Save", otherwise all your settings will be reset.
Go to the tab "Participants". Here you can see the people who joined your group and submitted the application for participation, if the group is closed. From among the participants choose leaders, to do this, click next to their name click "Assign leader" - these people will have access to the management group. If the group is private, please come in "Participants" section, to approve or reject the submission.
Go to the tab "Links" and put links to groups and pages that are close to your subject.