You will need
  • computer;
  • - Internet;
  • hosting.
To make the admin site, you need to know the basics of programming. If you do not have such knowledge, you can make a admin panel for a site using standard engines. Download engine DLE site If you already have a hosting site, upload all files of this engine on a hosting to the entire engine has been completely installed.
Next you need to test the site performance with this engine. It is also worth considering the fact that to complete the work should be spelled out DNS servers domain name Registrar. If all this is done, then a few minutes after you download the engine files, the site should load with the default template engine. On the Internet find the suitable templates. Try to rearrange the various options.
If you know some basics of web programming, then you will easily be able to develop your own template for the site. As soon as we finish with this operation, try to log in admin panel. Usually it is located at the address Don't forget also all the data from the panel because this information is very important.
In this pane, you can customize admin area of the site at its discretion. Install different modules for a more comfortable use of your project, change the colors, which are displayed in the pane, add the additional menu, install anti-virus, hacks and much more. In General we can say that to make the admin site when using the standard tools of any engine is not so difficult. In the future you will have no problems with such situations. Try to make complex passwords to the admin panel as simple combinations cracked by hackers.