In August, before the beginning of the school year, the Deputy Director on educational work, together with members of the methodological Council and the Director of the scheduling and content of the pedagogical Council of the school for the academic year. The questions are selected according to the results of the school last year, and the theme identified in the school development programme. At the first such Board approved the plan of work of the teaching Council by the whole staff. Each meeting must contain a methodological question, the organizational question, the question of supervising the educational process, in the course of the decisive problems, the question of a public character.
According to the above schedule approved by order of the Director, Deputy Director, gives September themes teachers, which will cover certain methodological, or reporting of public issues for which they are preparing relevant teaching tips.
On the appointed day and hour it is going to all teaching staff head of school Director for the implementation of the schedule of teachers ' meetings. Selected Secretary-fixes Protocol the action that occurs in a designated Journal of the pedagogical advice that is kept by the school administration. The President of the pedagogical Council, the school Director, personally conducts and reglamentary temporary limit speech, summing up, taking into account the debate of the discussion on each issue. By the way, kept a Journal of pedagogical councils in the school library for decades, since the content of the advice is very important and contains information about student certification training and examination for students.
It is important to teach members of the teaching staff applies from all liability to the organization, preparation and conduct of the pedagogical Council. To issues was not downloaded from the Internet or copied from manuals, and contained empirical evidence, concrete examples from experience and common methodological, that the math teacher understood and took into account educational theory, outlined in his narrative. Carefully and strictly filled records to such collections, since on the basis of data provided by teachers in their subjects or grades going first, General information on the school, then delivered to the Board of education of the municipality, then the region, etc. General staff must work as a whole mechanism where the individual parts perform their function.
And at the end of the year, according to the results of work of the whole school, Deputy Director on educational work, the analysis of work of pedagogical collective on the basis of which will be drawn up a work plan for the following year.