You will need
  • - Onion sets;
  • - copper sulphate;
  • - organic fertilizer;
  • - mulch;
  • - garden tools.
Select the location for planting of onion. Good light loamy soil. If your soil is acidic, before planting, it must be limed. Don't put onion in the place where you previously grew Liliaceae (garlic or onions). Best predecessors will be those of culture, under which a large number were made organic fertilizer (tomatoes, early potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini). Don't put the onions in a dark windproof.
Form a ridge. Dig the soil well and carefully select the weeds. Disinfect the soil with a solution of copper sulphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). Pour the prepared solution the earth at the rate of 2 liters per 1 sq. m. Make a bed of the groove depth of 5 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
Prepare onion sets. Get your desired grade. Sort bulbs (only those whose diameter is less than 1.5 cm). Before planting, treat sets from fungal diseases with a special fungicide. Plant bulbs in early October. Place them in the grooves at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Pour the onion mixture torturegalaxy.
Prepare a bed of onions for the winter. Before frost over mulch a bed of peat or sawdust layer is not less than 3 cm It will keep small bulbs from freezing. In the winter, scribble on a bed of snow.
In the spring, do not allow stagnation of water on the planting onions. Gently rake the bedding-mulch. Not zapazdyvaniya with this procedure, because the young arrows of the bow is very fragile. As soon as sprouts, to thin out them, leaving the distance between the bulbs 5-6 cm
During the first half of the summer well-watered young onion. Spend 6-10 liters of water per 1 sq. m. Water carefully so as not to break the pen. For irrigation use only warm water. This will save the bow from the disease downy mildew. Time proplyvaya young trees.
Over the summer, and fed the onions 2-3 times organic fertilizers (poultry droppings, mullein or urea). When the pen reaches the height of 12-15 cm, do preventive treatment against fungal diseases (1 tbsp of liquid soap and oxychloride of copper dissolved in 10 l of water).
As soon as the onions stop forming new pen and begin lodging – proceed to mass harvesting (beginning of August). Dry bulbs in the sun for 12-15 days. Cut the leaves and doushite at a higher temperature is 30-35 C. Store the onions in a dry place in boxes or baskets.