In order to find out the version of your game (is a combination of numbers and letters on Latin) several ways. Follow a definite plan:
On the desktop or through the start menu, select the game and click on its shortcut. Wait for the game to start. Before you is the main page where the "New game" "Options" etc. Look in the lower left corner. There will be written something like this "0.354 version a or version 1.546"
You can also go the other way . Do the following:

Locate the shortcut to the game, go to its properties and set the “console 1”

Example: "D:\Program Files\1C\behind enemy lines 2. Brothers оружию\outfront.exe – console 1"
In the game, press the tilde “~” – this will bring the console to your screen. In Latin letters, write “version” .When you click “Enter” You buypriloseconline the following information:


Protocol version 42

Exe version (cstriks)

Exe build: 11:25:44 Jun 17 2002 (45784)

Protocol version is the version of network Protocol.

Exe version x.x.x.x (yyyyyy) — x.x.x.x is the version of the game engine, (yyyyyy) is the name of the modification.

Exe build is the date and build number with the new updates it is changing.
And the last way through which you will learn your favorite version of the game is:

Remember where you installed the main game folder with its files. Then among them find the main shortcut that starts the game. Go into the properties, in this window there will be several paragraphs, click on the window titled "Version". Then you will see info about your game and its version and the release date and installation.
If you tried to go to the online "battles", but you get an error, update your game through the official sites or using programs. Remember, if every update version of the game will change. Example: 1.455 – 2.34 b

Good luck!