The hardest things are usually put on the bottom and closer to the back (but not too close to it). In this case the bottom is better to lay something soft that will not need you in the road - for example, a blanket or warm clothes. If you put gravity, especially with sharp edges (banks with canned goods) on the bottom, fabric backpackand can fray and tear. In any case, do not put close to the back of the hard or prickly objects. Otherwise, if you are planning a long hike, this will become a real torture.
Usually to give the backpacka form, you first roll the foam and put it inside so she created the wall. So you can adjust the volume of the backpackand if it is mutable. To back put heavy things, on the outside, on the contrary, the lightest, then the center of gravity will be located within your body, and not in the area backpack.
If you fold the backpack to hand it over to the Luggage in the plane, then put all fragile items inside or take it with you in your hand Luggage. Do not leave in the pockets of anything that can be broken at least theoretically. At the airport you can wrap your backpack with a protective film – this will soften the blows, which he will experience during the flight.
Everything you may need on the road, put up, or put them in the pockets. For example, rain gear, an additional sweater or jacket, flashlight, matches, map, toilet paper, water, tissues, a small supply of snack food. If you are not backpacking and travel in the pockets of the backpackand keep it on the charger in the event an opportunity to charge electronic devices, not to find them around the backpack. The camera also usually keep at the very top or at the valve. Better not to put in the pockets of the backpackand the documents, as from there they can easily get. Get specifically a small bag that is worn on the neck or on the belt, and there carry all the money and documents.
Put things close to each other to free space between them. Empty space – the extra volume. On the road things are a little compacted, so if there is empty space, what things can start to rattle and roll inside the backpack. Shampoos and other liquids advanced pack in disposable bags to protect the contents of the backpackand in case of their occurrence, especially if your rucksacke with them is electronics.
Don't ignore the valve backpack. This is a very convenient place to store all sorts of little things, and all that usually hang out, for example, a package with svejesobranna food. Things hanging on backpacke, the feelings seem harder than they really are, and under the valve the weight is almost not noticeable.