You will need
  • -Flax seed;
  • The herb St. John's wort;
  • Light laxatives.
Adhesive disease is a chronic disease that periodically makes itself felt. To treat adhesions of the intestines begin with proper nutrition. Therefore especially careful to monitor the foods you eat. You cannot eat foods that contribute to bloating - grapes, soy products, milk, cabbage. Meals should be regular, but in small portions.
If you experience light constipation, use laxatives, the work of the intestine is normalized, and the pain will go away. Perfect Guttalaks – it is prescribed even for pregnant women, But, Slabilen.
Sometimes the treatment of adhesions is necessary to carry out through surgery. It takes doctor.
If you have suffered a sharp attack, immediately call an ambulance. No self-treatment. This can lead to tragic consequences. This is especially dangerous condition for expectant mothers.
In the early stage of the disease to treat adhesions of the intestine is possible with traditional methods. A great help in the prevention and treatment of adhesions will be flax seed. Take two tablespoons of the seed, wrap in cheesecloth and dip in boiling water for a few minutes, then bag press and attach to the sore spot. Keep in over night.
For internal acceptance as a Supplement to the basic treatment prescribed by a doctor is a useful herbal preparations. Use the dried and powdered herb St. John's wort. Pour a few tablespoons of boiled water, decoction steep for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Divide into three doses and consume throughout the day.