So, the employment contract will be signed by you only after making a decision to accept you on the job. The basis for this will serve as your statement.
Often the statement of work is written by hand. However, not ruled out the option created by means of computer technology. Some organizations meet the finished application forms (so-called stencil blanks), much remains to enter only your name and residential address. Note that a uniform application form does not exist. But there are certain rules which should adhere to.
The statement of work must be written on a clean white sheet of A4.
In the header of the document, write the full name of the organization, the chief officer, his name and initials. There is also necessary to indicate your surname, name, patronymic, address and telephone number to contact you in case of a positive decision on your question.
Stepping back, write in the center of the sheet the word "Statement" with a capital letter, while the point at the end or place.
Below start writing itself a statement. You can write in any form. Often it begins with the words "Please take me to the post", then specify the position for which you are applying.
In statement you can also specify the wage. Quite often, the appellants write: "... with payment in the amount of staffing". This step is not mandatory and is at your discretion.
In addition, you can specify the number of bets, which you are expecting. But this is not recommended.
Try not to use the text of the statement archaisms and kantselyarizmami: "I urge you", "I beg you not to refuse" "thanks in advance", "at your discretion", etc.
When applying for a job you may also be required to write in addition to home address card number pension insurance and VAT.
Under the text of the statement put the date of his writing and his signature.