You will need
- A personal computer program Tools & Options
During restart the laptop press "Del" or "F2". Opens BIOS. Look in the menu section such as "Integrated Peripherals" and select "Integrated Video" or "Integrated Peripherals". Set the options "Disable" or "Off". You can disable in the BIOS and in the following manner. Go to the "Advenced Chipset Features". Look for "Boot Graphics Priori". Instead of the value "PCI" insert “PCIIGD”.
You can try to make and other methods. In Windows, delete the driver for the video card. Then restart the computer. The card should then turn off immediately. Go to your laptop BIOS. Scroll to the "Integrated...". Open the settings for "Init Display First". Put it to “PEx” instead of the value of “Onboard VGA”. Save these settings and again restart the laptop. Go into the BIOS. Locate the "Advanced" tab. Next look for the option "chipset". Click on the tab "Primary Video Controller". Disable “GFXO-GPP-IGFX-PCI” or “IGFX-GFXO-GPP-PC”. Then hit “F10” to save the settings.
Start the registry editor. Go to "Win+R" and then click "regedit". Click "OK". Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREATITechnologiescds000memory”. Change the value of "hypermemory" , changing it to "0". If for some reason this branch is not present, create it manually. Download and install the utility “Tools & Options”. On the Internet this utility is distributed free of charge. Installation problems will not arise. Start it. Go to the option "General Options" and select "Advanced". On the value of the "Enable ATT Shared Memory" to remove the check.
If you have the operating system Windows7, go to "control Panel". Select "device Manager". Next, go to the tab "Adapter" and perform all necessary shutdown.