Staphylococcus aureus is a spherical bacteria that live mainly on the mucous membranes and the human skin. Its main task is to reduce the immune system. This is especially dangerous for newborn children who have their own immunity yet. But because of the weakened or completely absent immunity people are easily susceptible to diseases such as acne, festering wounds, furuncles, pneumonia, meningitis, and even General blood poisoning.

Why children are more at risk of becoming infected with staph? First, they are born in the hospital. And medical institutions, as you know, not everything is always sterile. Secondly, staph lives everywhere - on the floor, on the furniture and in different parts of the house. Small children constantly pulling in the mouth is not washed fingers, pulling toys off the floor. One of the basic rules of prevention of this disease, of course, purity. Do not have the sterility (to achieve at home is simply impossible), but a thorough cleaning is necessary, until you have a baby.
How to determine that the child has staph? Of course, the most accurate answer to this question will give only a specialist. But to detect that something is wrong, mother and myself. For example, the symptoms of infection by S. aureus include several diseases. For example, enterocolitis. In this case, the baby cries a lot, he's mushy with mucus stool and swollen abdomen. Sometimes you may open vomiting and fever. Also the Staphylococcus infection indicates infective conjunctivitis. In this case, when the cry of the child swell and redden the eye, one can stand out the pus, and form crusts. Also a symptom of staph can serve multiple abscesses and purulent inflammation of the skin.
If doctors suspect a newborn staph, they will send the child to pass tests. Mom samples taken breast milk, to avoid such intrusion method. Have the child take biological material for culture or stool, or discharge from the wounds.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes treatment. The first recommendation is cleanliness and hygiene. As for the drugs, then there will be more difficult. Staph does not respond to antibiotics. Because of this, difficulties arise with 100% elimination of infection from the body - both adults and children. In modern medicine to treat staph, mostly, anti-parasitic devices in bioresonance therapy. Also used in the treatment of antiseptics, immunological preparations, very strong antibiotics and bacteriophages popular today.

The main trouble is that a refresher aureus once, the child does not get immunity from it for life. Infection can still come back. But to panic this is not necessary - not always, it becomes a cause of disease in the child.