To start typing a chain of sixty loops.
In the fourth loop provarite column with nakida, then promazyvaya single air loop, skip one loop of the base and vymazyvaja column with nakida. This fragment again, the result is a grid with many located one behind the other holes.
In each hole, tie the petal. To do this, each hole repeat binding: a column without nakida, three columns with nakida, column without nakida. Here you have and get a tape from the petals.
The next step will tighten the tape around the first petal as twisting ssuite needle the base of the petals. When the flower is sewn, gently spread petals and attach each other. The flower is ready!
The flower can be linked also to a few leaves. Each piece fit as follows: type four hanging loops and close them in the ring. In this ring provarite six columns with nakida.
Then enter the three air loops and connect them in Pico, that is provarite connecting the column to the top of the last column with nakida. Then again promazyvaya six columns with nakida, and connect the last column with nakida from the first.
For making leaves suitable yarn from light green to dark green color. But the color yarn for the flower should be chosen based on the primary color of the beanie. Very interesting look, for example, the combination of purple with orange, blue with yellow, red and white.