If people strongly got wet in the rain or a long stay outside in the freezing weather, he can be very cold. Cold deprives the body of protective forces, and gives the "green light" to many diseases. Therefore, to prevent serious diseases is recommended to RUB the man's vodka.
Best for warming friction choice pepper vodka. Vodka is poured on the body and begin a rapid circular motion to RUB it into the skin frozen. This procedure dramatically dilates blood vessels and stimulates strong blood flow, which leads to a rapid warming of the victim.
Vodka has been successfully used not only for warming, but also to reduce the very high body temperature. When you correctly heat RUB vodka patient need: in the palm of gaining the vodka and wipe the human body in a circular motion, and in the area of the spleen and liver lay wrapped in a cloth or towel an ice pack. Evaporating from the surface of the body alcohol to quickly reduce body temperature of the patient.
To cook pepper vodka, you need 0.5 liters of vodka to put 1-2 pod of bitter red pepper and leave to infuse in a dark place for at least a day. Useful not only to rubbing pepper vodka, but make it inside 50 g three times a day. So you can not only cure, but prevent disease at its very beginning.
Useful for colds and vodka compresses. On zastuzheny authorities put a rag soaked in a solution (1 part vodka to 2 parts water). Placed on top of an insulation layer (wool) and fix the compress with a bandage. Leave it on all night. Helps compress angina when doing it on a sore throat.