On the windowsill of the Beijing cabbage are sown in the end of January, and are grown without supplementary lighting. After all, this vegetable does not like the long daylight hours, an abundance of light begins to make an arrow. Prepare a soil mixture of peat, garden soil, humus or compost and sand. Add a little bit of complex mineral fertilizers and complete mixture of the landing vessel. Moisten the soil, sow the seeds in the grooves to a depth of 0.5-1 cm distance between the grooves in the range of 6-8 cm, Cover container with plastic wrap and put in a warm dark place. When sprouts appear, move the seedlings to a windowsill. The first harvest will be possible to try already after 25-30 days.
Peking cabbage can be planted under plastic covering on the site. In the fall put it in a bed of 4-5 kg of compost or humus, add complex fertilizers. Sow the seeds as early as possible in rows, the distance between which is 20-30 cm per 1 sq. m. to sow 2 grams of seeds of Chinese cabbage to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. When the seedlings sprout, they should be thinned so that between the plants was 4-5 cm after a while repeat, leaving between each head 10-15 cm (thinned plants can be used in food).
Outdoors the Beijing cabbage is grown through seedlings. To do this, sow the seeds in peat pots in early April and in late July. Into each pot place a 2 seed. When the cabbage comes up, and it formed 3 true leaves, plant it in a permanent place. the distance between plants should be 20 cm between rows – 60-70 cm.