You will need
  • - pregnancy test;
  • - consultation of the gynecologist.
To determine the day of the delay, you should know the length of your menstrual cycle. It usually ranges from 21 to 32 days for most women – 27-28 days.
Count the length of your menstrual cycle. To do this, count the number of days from the beginning of menstruation (the first day of the cycle) prior to next menses. This period will be your cycle. In healthy women of reproductive age, usual menstrual cycle is stable, the delay if there are, they are insignificant (1-2 days). The failure cycle can be affected by various diseases, changing hormonal background in women, abrupt climate change, rapid weight loss, high stress, heavy physical labor, etc. in addition, the menstrual cycle may not be stable in adolescent girls who have only recently started menstruating.
If your women's calendar should begin menstruation, and it does not happen, then the first day of its alleged occurrence count the first day of delay. This may be a sign of sperm fertilization, i.e. in pregnancy. In addition, the delay of menstruation may also indicate any problems in your body. So if you delay more than 7 days should consult a gynecologist.
Pay attention to your own feelings. If, along with the absence of menstruation you have become concerned about the morning sickness, tenderness and breast swelling, fatigue, drowsiness, changes in appetite, frequent urination, dizziness – there is every reason to suspect pregnancy. And not necessarily have all of the above are signs of an interesting situation; often there is only one or two of them.
Buy in a drugstore pregnancy test, if you have a delay. Now there are many different tests that determine pregnancy in the first day of absence the provisions of menstruation. Use it according to instructions inside the packaging. Nevertheless, whatever the test showed, contact your gynecologist to conduct any additional tests (blood test for HCG, ultrasound diagnostics).