Novice mushroom pickers before going to the forest need to figure out how to look like edible mushrooms. It is advisable to see them in the picture, but in reality. Ask a friend experienced person to show you these mushrooms and volnushki, and ideally - to take you with me on a "quiet hunt". Note that in certain areas you will find only some species of fungi. For example, birch is certainly Russula and boletus, and Fox in the pine – mushrooms. Remember the special places in next season on these lands you will wait for the new crop.
Finding a family of mushrooms that seem familiar to you, look for the largest instances. If this fungus is found the worms, which means that it's edible. Poisonous species of worms do not touch.
Inexperienced mushroom pickers better concentrate on collecting tubular mushrooms – white, butter, boletus, aspen. Most of them belong to the category of edible. With plate types more difficult – many of them have very similar counterparts. For example, in addition to delicious honey, there are about mushrooms, toadstools and some are remarkably similar to mushrooms or russulas.
Conditionally edible mushrooms are best left in the woods. Dung, the barns, the shaft and scripnic before cooking takes a long time to soak, and then boil in several waters. Without these procedures, these mushrooms are easily poisonous.
Experienced "silent hunters" suggest to pay attention especially to the white and greenish mushrooms – it is this colouring peculiar to the grebes. With the exception of mushroom. But this striking mushroom is unlikely to fall in the basket, he is too noticeable. Note that in addition to the red, meet the gray-green copies with the same white dots.
Do not trust the "people's methods" like cleavage of the fungus, sniffing it and examining the light. Darkening of breaking has nothing to do with the degree of toxicity of one or another instance. And in any case do not try suspicious mushrooms taste. Edible mushrooms do not always have a bitter taste – for example, dangerous pale toadstool has a pleasant sweet taste. While half of the cap of this mushroom is enough to obtain the strongest poisoning.