You will need
  • - protective creams.
After a cold and long winter so you want to substitute body under the warm rays of the sun. To avoid burns, before you go on vacation go several times a Solarium. When you first visit sunbathe no more than three minutes. Gradually increase the time to 10 minutes. This will prepare the skin and will help you not very different from the tanned holidaymakers.
Arriving on vacation, don't forget, you can sunbathe in strictly certain hours. In the middle of the day it is better to be in the shade, since the sun is most active, besides from the intense heat to get a heat stroke. The safest time to sun from 8 to 11 am and 17 to 19 PM.
Even after having prepared the skin, visiting a Solarium, start to sunbathe gradually. During the winter the skin is unaccustomed to large doses of UV light, so simply be under the sun's rays no more than 5 minutes, gradually increase the time. Remember that swimming in the sea or river, you are also exposed to sunburn, so it is not only restrict the leisure time under the sun, but also a dosing issue.
Every two hours and after each bathing apply to the skin with a protective cream. If you are fair skinned blonde, can use the tool with the protective factor 35-60 units. After one week, go on a protective cream with the factor of 15-20 units. People with dark hair and dark skin can use a protective cream with a factor 15. Children, regardless of skin type, throughout the holiday to put on the skin cream with a protective factor of 35 units.
To spend a holiday with health benefits, it is important not only to get beautiful and even tan, but also to follow certain safety rules. Never sunbathe on an empty stomach and immediately after a hearty Breakfast or lunch. Do not sunbathe from 12 to 15 hours. Protect eyes with glasses, head cover hat or cap. Do not drink on the beach is very cold drinks, avoid drinking alcohol, including beer. Do not walk on the beach barefoot, use special Slippers. Do not sleep or read under the sun. Do not use toilet water, perfumes, lotions, deodorants, Soaps. Give your nails a break from nail Polish. All this will help you to get back from vacation full of vitality and energy, healthy and rested.