Choosing a theme for self-study, try to focus on the issue, which you well know and is directly relevant to your practice. Usually themes of self-development of teachers are discussed and adopted at the meeting of methodical Association or the pedagogical Council. After approval of the topic by the school administration start writing individual work plan.
Each educational institution develops its own requirements for the preparation of such a plan. However, there are common elements that must be reflected in the document. In the introductory part of the plan set an objective (what you plan to achieve in the result of self-development) and multiple tasks (3-5 basic techniques or steps that will help you reach your goal). Indicate the form of self-education. It can be individual, group, remote, etc.
Then give information about groups or classes on the basis of which you will conduct the study. Be sure to specify the form of work with students (individual, group, experimental, work in the problem group, etc.). The plan of self-development may be based on one form of interaction with students and their combination. Next, specify the methods and techniques of working with a group in the framework of the plan of self-development (empirical or practical, creative, problem-search, etc.).
In the introductory part, write the intended result activities. Here you can also identify risks that may arise during the implementation of the plan. Complete the entry and time-bound execution of the program on self-education. Typically, it is calculated for a period from one to three academic years.
The main part of an individual plan of self-development is usually made in the form of a table. It includes the stages of work with the schedule of calendar deadlines; events scheduled during a separate period; the expected results and specify the forms of report for each stage. Reporting information can be issued in writing (portfolio, diary) and presented in the oral report at methodical Association or conference.