If you disable output buffering to execute on the server or on the website of php-scripts, best to do it through a php file.ini. At the start of each script, the php interpreter reads the settings from the configuration file, so you can put in a Directive to disable buffering of the output of the operation scripts is the most optimal solution. Open the file in any text editor and use the search dialog to find a Directive called output_buffering. Its value can be an integer, and Boolean (On or Off) variable, so instead has the default value enter Off or 0. If this Directive is not in the configuration file, add the late entries an additional line:

output_buffering = Off
If you need to cancel output buffering scripts to a separate folder or group of subfolders, better to do it via the htaccess file. Find it in the right directory and open in a text editor. If such a file yet, create a new one. The Directive that should be added, similar to that described in the previous step, but it is necessary to place a mark on what we are talking about one of the settings for the php. Fully this line should look like this:

php_flag output_buffering off

Created the htaccess file, place the folder in the upper hierarchy of directories that must be Directive.
To disable buffering in a single php script, use one of the built-in functions of this language. ob_get_flush() returns the current contents of the buffer, then it clears and disables output buffering. ob_end_flush() does the same, but the current contents of the buffer does not return to the calling variable, and sends to the output device. Function ob_end_clean() just erases the current data before disabling buffering. Using one of these functions, remember to re-enable buffering - this is a function ob_start().