If you are not satisfied with the identity of the person from whom came the invitation of friendship, you can easily to cancel. Why go to the page in the social network and take advantage of its capabilities.If this app is "My World" from open the Friends section in the left column and go to "offers of friendship". In one of columns titled "Offer friendship", select the unwanted user and click on "Unsubscribe".
In a network "In Contact" go to "My friends" in the left column and in the third subsection, "Applications to friends" review the list of invitations. If you see a potential spammer or just wicked familiar, click next to his picture of the button "Decline". If you want to refuse an invitation of friendship, go to the next tab, "Outgoing requests" and click next to the user to "Cancel the order".
Social network Facebook is even easier and the function as the requests to add to friends is a special icon. Go to your page in Facebook, click on the icon depicting two men, and then the list of queries, click on "Not now" next to those friends, you is not interesting. You can also cancel an invitation and users who appear in the "Hidden requests". To do this, click on "Requests" and click on "All requests to add to friends". In the window that appears click on "see hidden requests" and click on "Delete request" next to unnecessary applications.
When the invitation to friends comes in a network "Schoolmates", it appears under "Notifications" in the top menu of the page. If you want to refuse the offer of friendship, skip this section and hit "Ignore" next to each offering.