You will need
  • - course programs and other documents for licensing;
  • - certificate of registration of private educational institutions;
  • premises;
  • - concept development;
  • data on the possible teachers;
  • Secretary and administrator.
When starting a business, first of all study the market. We will determine which training courses are already in your area, what services they offer and at what price. Answer the following questions: how big is the demand for these services and who is their main consumer.
Think about what services you can offer to potential students. Your courses has to differ from what is already there. Develop a concept of the institution. Even if you intend to teach a standard set of disciplines for the most popular specialties, try to introduce something new. Of course, in the future will also have to monitor changes on the labour market.
Select legal form. The best option is to register training courses as independent educational institution. This allows to keep accounts in a simplified form.
Pick up the room. It is unlikely in this case, it makes sense to rent a separate building to do the repair, equipped with necessary equipment. Of course, a lot depends on what exactly is going to teach. But in any case try to find a nearby school where there are classes with the correct equipment. It can be school, College, institution of additional education. Typically, classes are busy a few hours a day, and the school will gladly pass them to the rest of the time rent.
Organize your work area for the Secretary and the administrator. With a small amount of work positions can be combined. You can do without a landline phone, but cell number must be specified in all promotional materials. Best buy cell phone.
Pick teachers and grant them a form of payment. Preferably time payment, as is usually done in such institutions. Teachers will determine how successful your initiative. Guided by the recommendations of people I trust. Some employees will have to type ads.
Buy or rent the necessary equipment, if the room that is chosen, it is not enough. Order your textbooks. To negotiate with one or more publishing houses or distribution centers, to be able to buy books and CDs as necessary.
Gather your documents for obtaining a license. The list can be taken in the education Committee of the local administration. There also must submit a program. In addition, there should be documents on the premises, equipment and teachers.
Determine the date of the start of classes. You can access the courses from the beginning of the school year or the calendar year, from the first day of any month or as stocking groups. An advertising campaign. Give ads in the media, in the Center of employment of the population on the town forum or in a local computer network.