Dig up the garden tractor to the full depth of the plow, if you previously did manually. Collect all the roots and leaves of weeds. Plow the soil should be 2 times a year, if there is such a problem. The root system of the weeds will always be damaged and eventually you'll have to get rid of them.
Timely proplyvaya the garden before the weeds grow and they ripen seeds. If you have a large square footage, then manually remove vegetation only in the beds, other places do it with a chopper. After weeding Paraclete the soil but do not water for about a day.
Buy special drugs that help to get rid of weeds. "Tornado", "roundup", "Lapis" and similar. Read the instructions for use and carefully follow the instructions. After treatment of soil with chemicals is not advised to plant vegetables. It is better to use in the fall, after harvest. After the winter from chemicals will not be over as they collapse.
There is a dangerous way to get rid of weeds is to burn them in late autumn. Choose a day when on the street there is no wind. Lightly pour the plants with diesel fuel and ignite. The fire helps to destroy part of plant seeds and the tops. Nothing to burn, if there are residential and other buildings, wooden fences and everything that can catch fire. Be very careful and in any case, keep around the hose to access water and to extinguish, if necessary.
If you have a very large garden, part of which you are not using for growing vegetables and fruits, sit in these places the grass lawn. As it growth and development of weeds will disappear, as it "kills" everything in its path. Decorative lawn can be sown between the trees, which will significantly reduce you work on the weeding.