You will need
  • - : furacilin solution 1 to 5000;
  • - wetback or chloramphenicol 0,25%.
Please note that the tear duct becomes impassable due to topped gelatinous film, which for some reason does not burst at the first breath of the child. Because of this, the fluid begins to accumulate in the lacrimal SAC, which can cause infection.
Examination of the newborn should be performed only by the doctor, but you have to observe as the eye of the infant to describe all the symptoms of a health care professional. Carefully inspect the eyes ofa child. The main features of the impenetrable tear ducts are slatestone and excretion of fluids, even when the baby is not crying. Also the cause of this problem may be the remaining fetal tissue and the incorrect location of the membrane.
To get rid of this, do baby massage eyes, if the doctor will prescribe. Pre-study of the anatomy and location of the lacrimal and lacrimal ducts. Wait until the child cries - this will increase the chance to break through topped gelatinous film. Wash your hands and cut your nails short, you can wear thin surgical gloves.
Gently and carefully squeeze the fluid from the lacrimal SAC. Drip into the eyes ofa child warm: furacilin solution 1 to 5000. A sterile swab to remove any pus. Jerky or vibrating movements, move your fingers with a little pressure from the outer corner of the eyeand the baby to the inside.
This massage will help the embryonic film to burst. After that drip into the eyeand disinfecting drops vitabath or chloramphenicol 0,25%. Try to do massage very carefully so as not to damage the cartilage of the nose. Follow these steps up to five times a day for two weeks.
If you do everything right, to three or four months the baby's embryonic film completely dissolve or burst. Otherwise you will have to do sensing. Also cause purulent discharge from the eyes may be dacryocystitis.
The main symptom of this disease is mucous or Muco-purulent discharge. Pay attention to the inner corner of the eyes of a child. Small swelling is a symptom of dacryocystitis. Press lightly on the area of the lacrimal points: pus – another symptom of this disease.