For many people it is important to be well known and to be listed on the top lists of various ratings. Stand out among thousands of users of the site "Vkontakte" allows ratingstraveler system used in this social network. A high rating allows you to stay in the top search strings for people, and thus increases the awareness and recognition of the host of the popular page. In addition, many applications "Vkontakte" focus on the page ranking of the player, depending on this, expanding the game's features for certain users.
The percent rating start be credited immediately after registering a new account on the website "Vkontakte". Standard free the rating varies from 0 to 100 %, depending on the amount of personal information that the user opens. To tell about themselves and fill in the empty columns on the page, click "Edit page" which is located directly under the place for your photos. As you save new information, your score will increase. Personal data give a 20% rating, 10% is added for each school in which you studied (primary, secondary and tertiary). List of places in which you spend your free time, buy your favorite clothes, improve their health and receive other needed services, will add to your rating another 10%. Tell us about your travels, about the place of work - so you Fund your rating by 10 %. Your personal photo placed on the "avatar" pages, that will add to your growing rating of 25%. Next, your virtual status will increase due to the filling of the page and your activity on the website. add photo albums, notes, tell about yourself and Hobbies, status updates and find friends. Without full communication ranking in social networks rises to 100%.
There are free ways of further improving the rating of "Vkontakte". Invite your friends to register in this social network. Once logged in with your personal page, click on the "Invite" button. You will see the link you need to copy and send to your friends in any convenient way for you. After going through it, your friends will begin registration on the site. After they fill out personal data, your rating will increase by 25% for each invited person.
Finally, you can add additional interest to the virtual rating with votes purchased for real money. Go to "My settings" and select "Balance". Here you will see how many votes now on your page. If not or wish to increase their number, click on the "Get voice" and select a convenient payment method: mobile phone, credit card, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI Wallet. Click on the "proceed to payment" and follow the instructions. After the money credited to your account "Vkontakte", you will see how many votes will be able to buy your existing amount.