You will need
  • - a comprehensive survey;
  • - drugs.
Treatment of premature aging of the placenta precedes the definition of the causes of this pathology. The aging of the placenta they say that when the second degree of maturity occurs before 32 weeks of pregnancy or the third – before 36 weeks.
The causes of premature aging of the placenta include endocrine and infectious disease, rhesus incompatibility, multiple pregnancy, preeclampsia, abruption of the placenta and low placental attachment, as well as Smoking and previous heavy labor and abortions. Determining the cause is half the battle towards treatment of early maturation of the placenta.
Premature aging of the placenta are asymptomatic, so pregnant woman need to undergo regular examinations by watching her doctor. Do the tests give the doctor full information on the condition of the pregnant woman, her fetus and the placenta.
A comprehensive examination involves ultrasound scanning, hand-held electronic monitor, and oxitocine test and a test for estrogen. Using a hand held digital monitor to check the heart rate of the baby. Ultrasound scanning allows to measure the blood flow going through the placenta to the baby.
Very important results oxytocinase test and the test for estrogen, especially the latter. Estrogen produced by the placenta until birth. The blood test allows to determine the estrogen level and compare it with the norm: if the level of estrogen in the blood of pregnant below normal, so the work of the placenta was unsatisfactory.
Treatment of the pregnant woman, where was diagnosed with "Premature aging of the placenta", is based on the results of a comprehensive survey. Depending on the type of intrauterine infection that caused the development of placental insufficiency, are assigned to specific drugs. However, the doctor prescribes medications for improvement of the functions of the placenta (for example, "Actovegin", "Chimes" and "Essentiale") and prevention of hypoxia in the fetus.