Before taking any action to change your weight, you need to determine what you have diabetes. This will help to the hospital and consult with physicians. Listen to their advice, the doctors will give you all the necessary recommendations about how to eat what foods to eat and help make a proper diet.
Try to learn to control the level of sugar in the body. Your body has to insulin in such an amount that it requires. Since the properties of some products similar to properties of insulin, so they have become everyday components of the diet on your table.
Meals with diabetes should be frequent 5-6 times a day. Plan on the every day menu, keep in mind it is the percentage of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Don't forget about the caloric content of your food.
Make yourself a table with food. Divide them into three parts: important and necessary for the body, foods that can be consumed, but in limited quantities and those that are completely impossible.
Diabetes mellitus helpful pottage of wheat, barley broth, marinades and jellies, fresh fish. Eat sprouted wheat germ, soy, garlic, beans, Jerusalem artichokes, blueberries, raw vegetables and Brussels sprouts. To facilitate the digestion of fats to add to meals spices, except the hot peppers.
Instead of sugar you need to eat the fruits of dogwood, BlackBerry, raspberry, dried and milled fruits of chicory. Natural honey is a source of many useful substances.
It is advisable to drink fresh juices in unlimited quantities. Very healthy juices sour pomegranate, mulberry, plum, cucumber juice mixed with juice of plantain flea and decoctions of rose hips and Hypericum.