Look in the sources available to you information about the origin of the family. Perhaps you belong to the few nobility and your kind in ancient times had been the coat of arms. In this case, it can pick up and move to the modern materials, without making a new drawing.
If you want to create a coat of arms with a clean slate, you must define the values of your family, her service to the society and distinctive characteristics. For example, if someone in your family designs military aircraft, the center of the figure you can place an image of a fighter.
Consider what illustrations will be needed to accurately characterize these values. If you can't pick your own, ask for help to other family members, after drawing up the coat of armsand is a collective creativity.
Learn the basic shapes that are traditionally used in heraldry, and stop at one of them. Its contours give the symbol of awareness, will not allow to confuse it with the other object of arts and crafts.
Stop on a certain set of characters you plan to portray inside the shape. They should not be too much, to prevent an overabundance of small details that will create a feeling of some chaos. You can come up with any plot, and also to split the total field into separate sectors, each of which will be dedicated to one family member.
Take a sheet of paper, transfer it a picture of the coat of arms. If you do not know how to draw, ask relatives or friends to help you. Paint the image.
The resulting laminate arms – it needs to be solid, this will allow it to be well preserved for many years.
Optionally, complete your coat of arms motto, which is typically written in a separate box below the main figure. It is a short concise phrase, and valuable to your family. In parallel, compose a few words about what is depicted on the coat of armse and why have you chosen these characters.