To increase the lung volume by using a complex of physical exercises with the load on the lungs and chest.
First of all, make each morning run on the 4 km light Jogging. Of crucial importance is the time of the exercise, ideally it should be 20 minutes. At the same time pay attention to proper breathing - the breath is only the nose and exhale either mouth or nose.
First of all, make each morning run on the 4 km light Jogging. Of crucial importance is the time of the exercise, ideally it should be 20 minutes. At the same time pay attention to proper breathing - the breath is only the nose and exhale either mouth or nose.
After Jogging, you should carry out a cycle of squats with a load on his shoulders. Exercises are performed in several approaches, with a gradual increase in the number of sit-UPS.
During the day you can also use push-UPS with wider placement of the hands. The number of pushups and the exercises are only limited to your physical form.
Use this type of load on the lungs as balloons – this gives additional load on the muscles of the lungs and contributes to their development. The number and duration of the inflation of the balls is chosen individually, with the appearance of vertigo exercise is immediately terminated.
Spend a full course of respiratory gymnastics by Strelnikova or traditional. On the Internet there is also a description of the breathing exercises of yoga, but its efficacy and safety is currently not checked, and apply it you can only at your own risk.
So as to increase lung capacity can, if regularly Cycling or swimming (preferably underwater). To increase the motivation of sports, it is recommended to draw a graph and keep track on the growth of the lungs and the chest circumference – the positive dynamics will give you an extra incentive.
First results will be visible within 3-4 weeks from the start of classes. After achieving the desired results do not throw exercises, but only reduce the load - this will allow you to save the results.