First of all, understand that you can not find a common language with other people, has bad reputation, blame yourself. Alas, to admit it is sometimes very difficult. Mean spirited is usually convinces yourself otherwise: it simply does not like because she's smart, talented, principled, used to "cut the truth-womb". Come to this "logical" conclusion is very simple, but it's that same simplicity that worse than theft.
Mischievous in the vast majority of cases, those women who have serious problems or in their personal lives or at work. They seem to find "fresh air" feeling of relief, spoiling the mood of others. Acting on selfish rule: "If I bad – let and others will be bad!" Try to convince yourself that this problem will not disappear but will only grow worse. Isn't it better to try to understand what is the cause?
Also remember that vadinami, as a rule, are weak, insecure people with very low self-esteem. They gossip, say bad things about others, fanning the conflict in favor of their complexes that prevent them to live normally. Think about it: is it nice to have a reputation as a weak-willed loser?
Shake yourself and imagine: you are the normal woman, which is no worse than others. You have not only disadvantages but also advantages. Learn how to get positive emotions from the most seemingly ordinary, everyday things.
Most smile. Find yourself an interesting hobby. Make every effort to increase self-esteem.
Remember the old adage: do unto others as you would like them to treat you. Let go of the idea that there are some envious and ill-wishers. It does not happen. Learn the proper communication with people. The results will not keep itself waiting long.