You will need
  • A great desire to quit Smoking, nicotine patch, nicotine gum, sunflower seeds.
People smoke without thinking about their health. If there is no force of will, cope with this dependence is almost impossible. But sooner or later, imposed the question: why do I need it? Most important to approach this step seriously, it all depends on your desire to leave this bad habit. The first thing you need to write on paper all the reasons which ought to quit Smoking, beginning with injury and ending with the inconvenience the people around you. Before bed put an empty pack of cigarettes by the bed. Inside put a note that says "I QUIT SMOKING". The main thing to set yourself up, not to persuade. Get up in the morning and try not to smoke, to take a business and it is desirable that the house was not present in smokers. Of course, the body will require the nicotine, but there are many substitute assets.
Aid in the fight against Smoking - the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, sunflower seeds, sucking on candy.
Often remember that you've overcome a very difficult challenge. Your teeth gradually become whiter, skin lightens, his hands no longer smell of tobacco, the cough gradually goes away, your attitude is getting better yourself. The money you spend on cigarettes, you can treat yourself to interesting shopping.

No need to make the urn of his lungs from the nicotine and tar.