You will need
  • -chamomile, mint, sage, lime blossom, calendula, lemon balm;
  • -cucumber or potato;
  • -corn silk;
  • -hawthorn, rose hips, lemon and orange peel.
Start your morning with a little exercise. It can be even ordinary squats, which activate all the processes in the body, including the outflow of liquid. Then take a contrast shower, from warm water to cool, but not cold.
For washing, use cold water, perhaps, highly carbonated, and thus you will get a great massage with bubbles and salts and minerals strengthen the skin.
Massage the area around the eyes. This must be done very carefully, without stretching the skin, just Pat with fingertips and light pressure. Spend some time on the upper eyelid from the nose to the temples, and then lower.
In the evening prepare a decoction of equal amounts (or one of the herbs) chamomile, peppermint, sage, lime blossom, calendula, lemon balm per Cup of boiling water. Let cool and pour into special cubes to freeze. In the morning, massage this cube skin around the eyes. This method is not suitable if you have problems with the blood vessels on the face.
Good against swelling helps poultice of grated cucumber or potato, imposed on the face for a quarter of an hour.
Before going to bed (2-3 hours) try to drink less liquid. If thirsty, you can eat a couple of juicy fruit. During the day you can drink freely, but not more than two liters per day.
From edema of different nature helps the use of infusion of corn stigmas. For this dessert spoon of raw materials pour a glass of boiling water and steep three hours. It is necessary to drink a tablespoon every three hours during the week.
If swelling associated with heart trouble, you can try this drink. At night brew in a thermos this mixture: evenly hawthorn and rose hips, lemon and orange peel to taste (preliminarily pour over boiling water). In the morning you can drink and, if you like, sweeten your drink with honey.
Reduce salt intake, because a large number of can hold water in the body.
In the evening rinse thoroughly with makeup. If you use rich cream after it is absorbed, remains always wipe it with a tissue.
Sometimes swelling can be the result of an Allergy to chicken feathers, so if possible, use orthopedic pillow and padding. And do not choose a low pillow to keep blood properly circulating in the body.
The room in which you sleep, often ventilate, especially at night. This will contribute to a better relaxation and a decrease or disappearance of edema.
If swelling appear due to pregnancy, check your diet. To relieve the kidneys will help half a liter of fresh juice in the morning, vegetable soup at lunch and at dinner – a glass of juice or yogurt. Salt intake during this period reduce to the minimum dose.