Determine which hemisphere of the brain is leading you. To do this, prepare a small test. Fold your arms across your chest and remember that on top. Then clap your hands again, notice which hand was the upper one. Close the fingers of hands in "lock" - note the hand with a rounded top. And last: look at the picture in front of him, alternately closing his eyes. If by closing the right eye, you see that the image has shifted to the right eye leading, if the picture has shifted, when it was closed left eye – on the contrary.
In most people the left hemisphere is developed to a greater extent than the right. This contributes to the education system. Since childhood, the child is taught to think logically, and sometimes criticize him for his penchant for fantasy. Try to act as well. If you have is leading the left hemisphere of the brain, try to forget for a while about logic, thinking, indulging in dreams. Close your eyes, imagine that running across the field. What do you see? What scents can you smell? The brighter will be the images, the better.
Write down everything that you managed to imagine. By embedding images in verbal form, you connect to the work of the left brain, so your brain can better reach their potential. Writers, creating work using both the right and left hemisphere. First, they mentally draw the characters and situation, and then transferred the pattern to paper.
Review methodology potocani. It is build to use when reading the books the right hemisphere. It is known that the literal understanding of the text responsible the left part of the brain, here, the reader abandons the literal perception of information, focusing on the entire page as a whole, not on individual words.
If you are right handed, learn to write with your left hand (if left handed – right). In this case you use "passive" hemisphere, make it work. Do not worry if at first something does not work, remember that your task is to train and strive for excellence.