Spring mask can restore your skin a fresh, rested and pleasant appearance, smooth out wrinkles and restore faded skin. To do this, you should use the mask with the semolina and add half of the banana.

Take a tablespoon of semolina and mix it with a banana, then add a spoon of olive oil. All the ingredients to mix with a blender. Leave it on for a few minutes, semolina should swell. If you are not allergic to honey, you can mask to add a bit of honey.

Cooked mask to anoint the face, neck, and chest area. Mask, leave on skin until dry. Then the mask should rinse, it is possible to massage the skin. Wipe the skin is not necessary, better to give it to dry.

Do these masks have a day or two days for two weeks.

It is possible to prepare protein scrub. To do this, take egg whites, some sugar and two spoons of grinded oatmeal. With a blender bring down protein turning it into a foam, then mix it with sugar and oats. Carefully apply the prepared scrub on your face. After that, you can in a circular motion to massage the skin for 2 minutes.

The mask should be left on the face until easy drying. Then roll the mask on massage lines, then rinse it with water, all the while continue to massage the skin.

Do these masks once a week for an entire month.

You can still use the mask out of fresh aloe juice with gelatin. For its preparation you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of aloe and a teaspoon gelatin. Optionally, this mask add a little honey. To prepare a mask easy, first, take the gelatin, dilute it with aloe juice, then let it swell and only then add the honey.

This mask should have the consistency of helium. It is better to apply a thick layer. After half an hour wash with warm water and, preferably, apply the cream with moisturizing effect.

To get a good result, such a mask is recommended to do 12-14 days.